First satellite launched by India?

 First Satellite Launched by India

Aryabhata Satellite
Aryabhata Satellite (

In 1975, India launched its first satellite, named Aryabhata, into space. The satellite was named after the famous Indian astronomer and mathematician, Aryabhata, who lived in the 5th century CE.

The Aryabhata satellite was designed and built by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), which was founded in 1969 with the aim of developing a self-reliant space program in India. The satellite was launched from the Soviet Union's Kapustin Yar rocket launch and development site.

The Aryabhata satellite weighed 360 kg and was placed in an orbit with an altitude of 619 km and an inclination of 50.7 degrees. It was powered by solar cells and had a lifespan of 6 months.

The primary objective of the Aryabhata satellite was to conduct experiments in X-ray astronomy, solar physics, and aeronomy (the study of the upper atmosphere). The satellite carried five scientific instruments, including a Gamma Ray Burst Detector, X-ray detectors, and an ultraviolet photometer.

The satellite also carried a tape recorder, which was used to store scientific data for later analysis. 

The launch of the Aryabhata satellite was a significant achievement for India's space program, as it demonstrated India's ability to design and build a satellite entirely in-house. It also marked India's entry into the exclusive club of spacefaring nations, which until then had only included the United States, the Soviet Union, and France.

In conclusion, the launch of the Aryabhata satellite in 1975 marked a significant milestone in India's space program. It demonstrated India's technological prowess and paved the way for further advancements in space exploration and research. Today, ISRO is one of the world's leading space agencies, with a wide range of satellites and spacecraft in operation.

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