What are Stars? | Types of Stars | Classification | Formation.

Have you ever looked up at the night sky and seen those twinkling bright lights? Those are stars! Stars are those shiny, glowing objects that you see in the night sky. They are massive celestial bodies that emit light and heat due to a process called nuclear fusion. Essentially, stars are made up of hot, dense gases that are held together by gravity. There are billions of stars in our galaxy, each with its own unique properties and characteristics. Some stars are bigger and brighter than others, while some are smaller and dimmer. Stars are an essential component of the universe and play a crucial role in many astronomical phenomena, including galaxies, black holes, and supernovas.

We also have a star in our solar family yes I am talking about the sun. It is a 4.5 billion years old yellow dwarf star. Now a question is coming into your mind what is a dwarf.

So now we will learn about stars more deeply.

Stars are categorized as normal stars and neutron stars.

Normal stars are those stars that do chemical reactions and produce heat and light. But neutron stars are formed when a large mass of star supernova. The neutron star consists of about 95.1% of neutrons which makes them a denser substance in the galaxy.

But the stars whose size is very small than the normal stars are called dwarfs.

Dwarfs are also divided into three categories let's discuss them one by one.

   1. Red dwarf:- It is a star that is alive and made up of hydrogen gas which produces heat 

      And light. It has a very small size than the sun and has a mass less than that of half mass of  


Red dwarf
Red dwarf (Image credit:- NASA)

  2. White dwarf:- When a star doesn’t have that much density and mass to do supernova 

      And it produces a very less amount of heat and light and is said to be a white dwarf.

white dwarf
White dwarf (Image credit:- NASA)

  3. Black dwarf:- When a white dwarf totally loses there all its energy it becomes a black draw.It 

     Become totally black and that’s by it is impossible to notice them.

Black dwarf star
Black dwarf (Image credit:-https://www.syfy.com/)

But it is interesting to know that fact that the reason behind the dimming of the brightness of a star is not only the age of the star.

Scientists said that our universe is expanding as fast as the speed of light. This increases the distance between stars and earth that’s by the brightness of star dimming and our future generations only see these stars which are present in our galaxy.

But don’t worry it takes billion or trillion years.

In conclusion, stars are an integral part of our universe, and they continue to fascinate scientists and astronomers alike. They are complex objects that come in many shapes and sizes, each with its own unique characteristics. From massive blue giants to tiny red dwarfs, stars provide a glimpse into the mysteries of our universe. As we continue to explore the vastness of space, we can only imagine what other fascinating discoveries we will make about these celestial objects. So, the next time you look up at the night sky, remember that those twinkling lights are not just random dots but are the stars that hold the secrets of the universe.

Thank you for reading.

by-Vidit Kumar Singh

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