Chandra Grahan | The first Lunar Eclipse of 2023 | Date and Time | Sutak Time.

 Lunar Eclipse (Chandra Grahan)

Credit :- Times of India

The first Lunar Eclipse (Chandra Grahan) of 2023 will be held on friday, 5 may. The Lunar Eclipse will start at 8:45pm and end at 1:00am.

It is important to note that the first Lunar Eclipse or Chandra Grahan of the year will not be visible in India.

Sutak Time 

The sutak time will start 9 hours before the Lunar Eclipse or Chandra Grahan but its is not valid here because as we know that India is not able to see the first Lunar Eclipse or Chandra of 2023.

What Is Lunar Eclipse (Chandra Grahan)

When the Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon, the Moon experiences a lunar eclipse, also known as Chandra Grahan in some regions of the world.

During a lunar eclipse, the Moon travels through the Earth's shadow, which, depending on the level of atmospheric pollution and other circumstances, can give it a reddish-orange or brownish hue. This phenomenon is frequently called a "blood moon".

When the Moon is in its full moon phase, which occurs when the Moon is on the other side of the Earth from the Sun, lunar eclipses take place. Total lunar eclipses, partial lunar eclipses, and penumbral lunar eclipses are the three different types of lunar eclipses.

The entire Moon lies in the Earth's shadow during a total lunar eclipse, appearing reddish-orange or brownish in hue. A penumbral lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon travels through the Earth's penumbral shadow, which is a more delicate shadow that doesn't cause a dramatic colour shift. A partial lunar eclipse simply involves a piece of the Moon being in the Earth's shadow.

Lunar eclipses can be observed with the naked eye, but it's always important to take proper precautions while viewing an eclipse to avoid any potential harm to your eyes. You can watch the eclipse safely through special eclipse glasses or by using other viewing methods recommended by experts.

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