Chandrayaan-3 leaving the earth's orbit | journey to the moon.

Chandrayaan-3 will Enter Moon's orbit on August 15 and will land on 23-24.

Chandrayaan-3, which has been circling the Earth for almost two weeks, has now left the Earth's orbit and set out on a journey to the Moon. ISRO's Bangalore-based Telemetry, Tracking, and Command Center (ISTRAC) began the Translunar Injection (TLI) to lift Chandrayaan-3, launched on July 14, out of Earth's orbit at exactly 11:59 pm on Monday night. After this, Chandrayaan moved towards the Moon at a speed of about 40,270 km per hour.

Chandrayaan 3

ISRO said on Tuesday that Chandrayaan's Lunar Orbit Entry (LOI) will take place on August 5. After this, there will be a landing on the moon during 23-24 August. Translunar injection is actually a process in which the engines of Chandrayaan-3 were started for a few moments to push Chandrayaan out of Earth's orbit and propel it towards the Moon.

ISRO stated that when Chandrayaan was at a distance of 236 km from the Earth, then its engine was started, and it was given Earth Escape Velocity, so that it could get out of the Earth's gravitational field. Earth's escape velocity is 40,270 km per hour.

Journey of Chandrayaan-3 Till Now

  • July 14: Chandrayaan-3 was launched and released into an orbit of 170 x 36,500 km of Earth.
  • July 15 Class radius increased to 173 x 41,762.
  • July 17: For the second time the radius of orbit was increased to 226X41,603 km.
  • July18.: The class was increased to 228 x 5,1400.
  • July 20 : For the fourth time, the scope of the class was increased to 23 X71,351.
  • July 25 : For the fifth time the orbit was increased to 236x1,27,603 km.
  • On the midnight of July 31 and August 1, the Moon left Earth's orbit and rose.

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